Online counselling carlow
Telephone and video counsellig sessions now available
Phone and video

Kildare, Laois, Carlow,Kilkenny and Wexford surrounding counties,
Remote Services Available
Carlow Counselling Service offers phone and video call sessions, providing convenient access to mental health support at home. With busy family schedules it is harder for people to focus on their mental health needs. Many clients find phone and video sessions a practical solution. For more information Contact me today to make an appointment on 0873910411.

Telephone and video counselling sessions now available
Due to increased demand Carlow Counselling service is excited and very pleased to announce a new facility in the practice. For the first time, Telephone and or Video counselling sessions will now be available by appointment. Please phone me on 0873910411 or email for further details
In these daunting times of change and unpredictability it is not always easy to make a committment to attending for face to face therapy. I am happy to say that throughout lock-down many clients found it very useful to continue with their therapy on line either Video call, or Telephone sessions. As we continue to battle with Covid-19 a number of clients are still using these modes for therapy. If it suits you better either for health reasons or simply to save time travelling to your face to face sessions Carlow Counselling Service will continue to offer this option.
Contact me today to set up an appointment for thereapy using which ever mode suits you best.
Stay Safe